Quitclaim, 1471, Jan. 6. 49 Henry VI.


Quitclaim, 1471, Jan. 6. 49 Henry VI.

Quitclaim by Stephen Byrchesle (and the late John Ryers) to Thomas Hale, M.A., of all his right in land called "le Forthe", with woods and shaws, containing 7 acres, and 2 acres of a wood, late of Roger Chambyrlayn, knight, on the denne of Eldynherst in the parish of Tenterden; and in a garden called "Downgardyn", containing 1 1/2 acres, on the denne of Castawyselle in the same parish, late of Nicholas Byrchesle, his father. Dated at Tenterden on 6 January, 49 Henry VI.

1 item : vellum ; 16 X 27.5 cm.

Related Entities

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